Monday, July 24, 2006

Middle East Crisis Continues: Day 13

Heavy Fighting Continues...
Blair: Lebanon crisis a catastrophe...
Olmert: Syria cannot be a partner to diplomatic efforts... <- why not?
'Missile strike on Tel Aviv still real threat'...
Israel says it destroyed over 2,000 rockets since start of operation...
U.S. rushing bunker-busters to Israel...
Man gets year in jail for stealing from bomb shelter... <- what?!
Online controversy over graffiti by Israeli kids... <- check out my blog for the story
John Kerry on Mideast conflict: 'If I was president, this wouldn't have happened'... <- John Kerry - still a clown

but, on a positive side, Condoleeza Rice met with the Lebanese president today to disscuss the possiblity of mutual cessation of hostilities - which is a good sign, because USA is capable of pressuring both sides to dealing with their extremists